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Legal Notice


Legal Notice and Data Protection


The HOM.ESTATE website, hereinafter the Website, is owned by HOM.ESTATE.18******E, located at Tomás Bretón 7 1H, 50005, Zaragoza, hereinafter THE COMPANY.


THE COMPANY welcomes you and invites you to read carefully the General Conditions of Use of this Web Site (hereinafter, the "General Conditions of Use") which describe the terms and conditions that will be applicable to your navigation through the same, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Spanish regulations. Given that THE COMPANY may modify these Terms of Use in the future, we recommend that you visit them periodically to be duly informed of the changes made.


In order to ensure that the use of the Website complies with the criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, THE COMPANY informs the User that any suggestion, doubt or query regarding the General Conditions of Use will be received and solved by contacting THE COMPANY by e-mail through the website chat or contact form.


1. Purpose


THE COMPANY provides the content and services that are available on the Website, subject to these General Conditions of Use as well as the policy on personal data processing (hereinafter, the "Data Protection Policy"). Access to this Web Site or its use in any form gives you the qualification of "User" and implies unreserved acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions of Use, and THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify them at any time. Consequently, it will be the responsibility of every User to carefully read the General Conditions of Use in force each time he/she accesses this Website, so if he/she does not agree with any of them, he/she should refrain from using this Website.


Likewise, you are warned that, on occasions, special conditions may be established for the use of specific contents and/or services on the Web Site, the use of said contents or services will imply the acceptance of the special conditions specified therein.


2. Services


Through the Website, THE COMPANY offers Users the possibility of accessing all the information we offer about our facilities, our services, location/location, news, as well as a contact section to resolve any questions or doubts, hereinafter the "Services".


3. Privacy and Data Processing


When it is necessary to provide personal data in order to access certain contents or services, Users shall guarantee their truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity and validity. THE COMPANY will give such data the corresponding automated treatment according to its nature or purpose, in the terms indicated in the Data Protection Policy section (Link "I have read and accept the Privacy Policy").


4. Industrial and Intellectual Property


The User acknowledges and agrees that all content displayed on the Website and in particular, designs, text, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, or any other signs susceptible of industrial and/or commercial use are subject to Intellectual Property rights and all trademarks, trade names or logos, all industrial and intellectual property rights on the contents and/or any other elements inserted in the page, which are the exclusive property of THE COMPANY, and/or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them in the course of trade. Therefore, the User agrees not to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify such content, holding harmless THE COMPANY from any claim arising from the breach of such obligations. Under no circumstances does access to the Website imply any kind of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of such rights, unless otherwise expressly stated. These General Conditions of Use of the Website do not grant Users any other right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the Website and/or its Contents other than those expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any rights shall be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by THE COMPANY, or the third party owner of the rights affected.


The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computer programs, source codes and, in general, any intellectual creation existing in this site, as well as the site itself as a whole, as a multimedia artistic work, are protected by copyright.

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